I’ve been thinking a lot about which flowers I’m going to plant in my garden this spring. Here are the names of the flowers I’m thinking about planting so far:

1. Elke Hardy Geranium

2. Rozanne Hardy Geranium

3. Siberian Iris (a mix of blue, purple, violet, yellow, and white iris)

4. Muscadet Lilies

5. Kentucky Lady Slipper Orchids

6. Roses (yellow, blue, white, pink, red---I like them all)

7. Moonflower (Moonflower is a white plant with heart-shaped leaves---and it blooms only at night!)

8. Ladybird Poppies

9. Milkmaid Nasturtium

10. Johnny Jump-Up Violas (you can eat these with salad, but I don’t think I will … they’re too cute!)

11. Butterflyweed (attracts butterflies, moths, bees, and hummingbirds)

12. Winter-Hardy Glads

13. Hardy Mixed Carnations

14. Ensign Mixture (known for centuries as Dwarf Morning Glory)

15. Bee’s Friend Herbs

I can’t wait for spring!


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